With a heavy heart, I will show you my favorite earrings.
To my mind they are brilliant.
I hope that not all of you will like them,
because I'm glad that I saw them only on Jocelyn from polish SL but me ;)
Being serius, I warmly recommend them.
Linka is gonna appear in the red-black convention.
The pants in both the pictures are the famous leggins from omnipresent Armidi.
And which of you don't have this Naima's jacket? ;)
(creamshop) - Glam earring

Earrings: (creamshop) - Glam earring
Jacket: Naima - NYJacket
Top: (Mojo) - Long Tank
Belt: from Last Call outfit - Asrtea Coin Belt
Leggins: Armidi Limited - Metallic Tights
Shoes: FNKY! Pumps/ classic

Earrings: *:HTC:* Gift for you! Ear Rings
Sunglasses: Kalnins Sunglasses- Bravia
Jacket: [savvy avvy]- woolen leather coat
Leggins: Armidi Limited- Metallic Tights
Boots: Bax Boots - Overknee black Boots
Linka powiedz mi, czy ty mi czytasz w myślach? Albo mojemu avatarowi? Powiedz, bo wolałabym wiedzieć :D
Słuchaj, od 2 dni chodze za skórzaną, czarną kurtką!!! Oczywiście bezskutecznie, aż tu nagle widze ją na Twoim blogu. :D
Co do kolczyków:spokojnie. Ładne są, ale nie w moim stylu. :)
A i dzięki jeszcze raz za pomoc z włosami. :)
Nice belt from LC but please tell me where is them shop now?
I can's find :(
Yes kaisa, Last Call is closed:(
Heh Tija, mieszkam w Twojej głowie, uważaj !!!
Fajne te włosy in world? Nie mierzyłam ich.
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