Hair: Gritty Kitty - ASH Thursday
Eyeliner: [ glow ] studio - Vingue - eyeliner A
Skin: [Bebae] - Fabia > Coffee: 00f
Shape: ~~DeLyn~~ OPHELIA
Chain nose to ear: C-Aluinn - Ear to nose chain
Plaid red shirt: AOHARU - BT_OpenLongShirt_PlaidRed
Shirt: ::: B@R ::: - Cross Bones Lady Shirt (part of jackets)
Gloves: MadeForYou - Leather-higher
Cig: * KATATI - cigaret White on R-hand *
Dress: *LP* - Lana dress Grey
Jeans: [ glow ] studio - 92' jeans
Guitar case: SEY - GuitarBag/A (NEW!)
Shoes: [0N] - Wo Boots (w/resize scripts)
Place: Jocelyn's cool house