Hair: .:.Foam!.:. -The Drifter- Browns Pack (sorry, i just noticed that shop is closed:()
Shades: (VintageWear) - Oversized Shades - Metal
Eyes: poetic eyes - by LL - easter lilac
Lashes: [ glow ] Studio - Innocent. eyelashes - gentle
Cig: * KATATI - cigaret White on Left-hand *
Necklace & Bracelets: Genesis - Autumn Set
Bikini: *Luck inc* - The Hotness Bikini - Leo
Dress: *Luck inc* - Naughty Dress - Retro (NEW!)
Bag: [ICoN] - DS Bag Huge - (brown)
Shoes: ANEXX - RibbonBeltPumps_Brown
Skin: *League* - Skin Medium -Misty- Natural
Shape: ~~DeLyn~~ OPHELIA shape
anexx is from aoharu?
I asked that question too. Someone told me that they were banned from SL because they were underaged.
Ano 1
yes, the same creator but new shop:)
Ano 2
Yes, i heard that story too...
That sad coz their hairs are really cool...
FOAM is closed because the creators were supposed to be on the teen grid.
yeah... heh
lol...i made the same question in bloggers grp...such a pity that they are gone!
cool post btw :))
heya Angie:)
yeah, but yesterday i heard they are 14 y/o lol.
Its really not good idea being in perv sl in their age.
Btw they are very talent , i guess that someday will be back and show us some new great hair;)Kiss and Thanks :)
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